Mon - Sat from 09:00 to 20:00
Sun - closed

Mon - Sat from 09:00 to 20:00
Sun - closed
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Oncology treatment
Treatment of colon cancer
Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) is a group of malignant neoplasms of various parts of the colon.

Factors that provoke the development of the disease:

  • Adenomatous polyps
  • Chronic ulcerative colitis
  • Multiple colon polyposis, etc.
According to statistics, the largest number of deaths from malignant tumors occur in cancer of the colon and rectosigmoid colon.
In almost 5% of patients with colon cancer, the disease is associated with hereditary problems such as Lynch syndrome and diffuse polyposis.

For the rest, the manifestation of the disease is sporadic, that is, unsystematic.
The disease can occur unnoticed, without obvious symptoms. Most often, a malignant tumor is detected already at stages III-IV, that is, in an advanced state. Often, after complex treatment, patients experience negative dynamics in the form of relapse of the tumor process or metastasis; in such cases, the likelihood of the patient’s condition worsening is very high.

Unfortunately, multiple metastases spread throughout the body rarely respond to any treatment method.
Cytokinogenetic therapy produces positive results in 80% of colon cancer cases!
OncoCareClinic 308: we will stop the growth of a malignant tumor and reduce the likelihood of relapses.

How can we help?

  • Destruction of the tumor
    Therapy allows you to increase the concentration of the TNF cytokine in the body, that is, stimulate the immune response to the cancer tumor until the process of apoptosis (programmed self-destruction) is started.
  • Compatibility with other treatment methods
    Cytokinogenetic therapy can be combined with other classical therapies. Thanks to the combination, the effectiveness of treatment increases by 20-30%.
  • Almost complete absence of side effects
    Cytokine-based drugs do not have significant side effects.
  • Treatment at home
    It is permissible to carry out the course of treatment outside the hospital ward.
  • The attending physician is always in touch
    Our oncologists provide not only face-to-face consultations, but also online consultations.
Cytokinogenetic therapy for colon cancer
Genetically engineered drugs
In the OncoCareClinic 308 clinic, cytokinogenetic therapy has been successfully used for several years in the treatment of patients with advanced and complicated forms of malignant neoplasms.

The purpose of the method is to force the body to launch natural self-healing mechanisms.

What is the treatment: domestically produced genetically engineered drugs based on TNF and IFN gamma. They help stimulate the body's cytotoxic defense against tumors, destroy cancer cells, and also increase the body's resistance to disease.
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No toxicity
  • The cytokinogenetic treatment method is effective, well tolerated, and does not produce significant adverse reactions or complications. Therefore, it can be used at any stage of antitumor treatment, including:
  • in patients who have exhausted all other treatment options.
  • in patients with advanced stages of cancer.
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Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Aleksanyan Aleksan Zavenovich
Our unique method of cytokinogenetic therapy activates the production of proteins that are the main component of antitumor immunity, and also protects the body from external threats (viruses, bacteria, fungi) and triggers the genetically programmed death of malignant cells.
Main stages of treatment:
Consultation with our specialist (review of medical histories)
Prescribing an individual treatment plan
Determination of TNF levels and TNF 308 gene mutations
Constant monitoring of the patient's condition by our specialists
Real story of therapy
Patient V.S. , 63 years old.
In December 2022, colon cancer (stage III-IV), tumor dissemination throughout the abdominal cavity (carcinomatosis), metastases in the liver, and ascites were diagnosed.

An unloading surgical operation – transversostomy – was performed. The patient was declared inoperable for radical surgical treatment. 3 courses of chemotherapy were carried out. Drug treatment was interrupted in the spring of 2022 due to worsening renal failure. Symptomatic treatment and observation by an oncologist at the place of residence were recommended.

Due to the progression of the tumor process, the patient's condition worsened, weakness, ascites, abdominal and lower back pain, weight loss, and limitation of independent movement around the apartment increased.

Cytokinogenetic treatment was started in October 2022. After 3 courses (3 months) there was a pronounced positive trend in the treatment provided. The pain and signs of ascites disappeared. The patient has increased strength, has the opportunity to move not only around the apartment, but also to visit, go for walks, and go to the shops.
TNF level:
Before treatment
2 pg/mg
After treatment
46 pg/ml
Before treatment
Weakness, ascites, abdominal and lower back pain, weight loss, limitation of independent movement around the apartment
After treatment
At the moment, the patient has no active complaints, he feels like a completely active person, he has forgotten about his previous condition and does not want to remember. Faith in life and plans for the future appeared. Treatment continues.
Professor Aleksanyan Aleksan Zavenovich
“At the moment, the patient has no active complaints, he feels like a completely active person, he has forgotten about his previous condition and does not want to remember, he has faith in life and is making plans for the future. The treatment continues.

This case, like many others, shows that we can fight cancer in its later stages. We consider this innovative approach to solving the problem to be justified and worthy of practical application."
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