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Oncology treatment

Treatment of esophageal cancer

Esophageal cancer is a type of malignant cancer. It develops as a result of an abnormal mutation of the mucosal cells that line the organ from the inside. Over time, the disease spreads not only to all layers of the esophageal canal, but also along it. Gradually, the tumor blocks the lumen of the esophagus and prevents the passage of food, which causes exhaustion of the patient, and in some cases, death.
Types of esoghageal cancer
  1. Thoracic cancer.
  2. Oncology or the lower third of the esophageal tube.
  3. Cancer of the cervical segment.

According to research:
  1. The average age of patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer is 50-65 years.
  2. Men are more common to get esophageal cancer than women.
  3. Esophageal cancer is ofte detected at stages III-VI and not at early stages in 73% of cases.
Factors in the development of the disease
  • Frequent smoking or so-called vaping
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Elderly age
  • Consumption of spicy, canned and smoked foods
  • Obesity
  • The growth of scar tissue in the layers of the esophageal canal (the so-called burn stricture).
  • Human papillomavirus infection.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the esophagus (chronic).
Clinical manifestations of esophageal cancer
The most common symptom of the development of the disease is periodic or permanent pain. They may occur during or without food intake. Localization - in the area of inflammation, that is, behind the sternum, between the shoulder blades or in the epigastric region.
In addition to pain, patients have symptoms such as:
  • General weakness, drowsiness, lethargy
  • Digestive disorders (heartburn, nausea, frequent belching, vomiting).
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Manifestations of anemia
  • Changing food preferences
  • Weight loss
  • Low-grade fever
  • As the disease progresses, symptoms progress.
The method of cytokinogenetic therapy can be used at any stage of antitumor treatment of esophageal cancer.

Including in patients who have exhausted all other treatment options.

The technique is well tolerated by the patient, has no side effects, and is perfectly compatible with any other classical methods of treating oncology.

With timely and active treatment, more than 73% of patients are cured.
OncoCareClinic 308
Diagnosis of esophageal cancer
  • To identify the disease, specialists prescribe the following forms of examination:
  • Anamnesis and physical examination of the patient by a medical specialist.
  • Contrast radiography of the chest and alimentary canal
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) - examination of the esophageal tube using endoscopic equipment
  • Histological examination of tissues of the damaged area
  • Fibrobronchoscopy (FBS) – examination of the respiratory tract (upper and lower sections) to identify the extent of the tumor process
  • Standard computed tomography (CT) and contrast (PET-CT) – examination of the chest and abdominal cavities to identify primary and secondary foci of the disease
Treatment methods for esophageal cancer
The healing process is not a quick process. The technique is selected individually, taking into account all available factors, including the patient’s age, type and stage of oncology, general health, etc.

Thus, in stage I cancer, a specialist prescribes drug treatment or surgical removal of the esophagus, followed by reconstruction of the organ (plastic). The prognosis is usually favorable; additional therapy is not prescribed.
Stages II and III are more complex. Combined methods are used for treatment. For example, a combination of radiation and chemotherapy followed by surgical removal of the damaged organ.
Terminal stage IV “narrows the window” of treatment options. Most often, palliative and symptomatic therapy is prescribed, the purpose of which is to reduce the size of the tumor focus and slow down the development of the disease.
uses TNF to stimulate its own antitumor immunity. It has been proven that the technique allows stopping the growth of a tumor or metastases, as well as the formation of new foci of inflammation.
OncoCareClinic 308
How can OncoCareClinic 308 help you?
  • Achieve positive results from the use of cytokinogenetic therapy for esophageal cancer in 73% of cases.
  • Helps increase the likelihood of tumor regression and reduce the incidence of relapse.
  • They provide compatibility of cytokinogenetic therapy with other methods, which helps increase the effectiveness of treatment by 20-30%.
  • They guarantee a reduction in the number and intensity of side effects from the use of the main treatment method.
Oncologist Ben Ammar Mohammed Amir:
“During cytokinegenetic therapy, the antitumor system is activated. The body produces the cytokine tumor necrosis factor, which helps in the fight against cancer cells. In some people, tumor necrosis factor is not produced in sufficient quantities, possibly due to a mutation in the TNF 308 gene. But TNF Thymosin alpha1 can be added to the body to activate the immune response on  tumor growth."
Main stages of treatment:
Consultation with our specialist (review of medical histories)
Prescribing an individual treatment plan
Determination of TNF levels and TNF 308 gene mutations
Constant monitoring of your condition under the supervision of our doctors
Real story of therapy
As an illustration, here is one of the most striking cases of effective assistance:
as a result of using the CHT method and canceling the “sentence” of the patient.
Patient Nikolay, pensioner, Omsk. Age – 87 years
Complaints of moderate chest pain (after eating), weakness, loss of appetite and slight weight loss began in the middle of 01/23. Additional examination at place of residence.

Based on the results of CT scan of the OGK and OBP with c/u (dated 02/06/23), a diagnosis was made of a cancerous tumor in the middle third of the thoracic esophagus, measuring 14*12 mm in diameter. And also a single secondary lesion (MTS) in the right lobe of the liver measuring 18*16 mm. An esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) was performed from a biopsy (the diagnosis of cancer was confirmed). Histology – squamous cell carcinoma of the esophageal canal.

Due to the patient’s age and numerous concomitant pathologies, a palliative course of MCT tablets was prescribed at the place of residence.

2 months after MCT, according to the results of CT of the OGK and OBP, stabilization of the process was noted.

At the end of April 2023, the patient contacted the OncoCare 308 clinic. He completed 5 courses of CHT (from 05.23 to 09.23) with a positive effect according to CT OGK and OBP with c/u dated 09.30.2023. The size of the primary tumor of the esophagus decreased to 10* 7mm, and the secondary focus of cancer in the liver is up to 12*11mm. The patient is currently undergoing the 6th course of CHT and complains only of minor weakness.
TNF level:
Before treatment
2.2 pg/mg
Mutation of the TNF 308 gene - not detected
After 3 courses of treatment
64 pg/ml
Assessment of quality of life according to the Karnofsky scale:
Before treatment
After 5 courses of treatment
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