Treatment of cervical cancer issuing Cytokinogenetic Therapy is effective in 90% of cases. It helps preserve the reproductive organs and it’s’ functions by increasing the level of TNF (tumour necrosis factor).
Many cases of cervical cancer are detected in late stages, although with timely diagnosis, this disease is easily treatable and preventable. Cervical cancer develops in the deep layers of the epithelium that lines the inside of the cervix. Oncology can develop at any age.
OncoCareClinic 308 uses a cytokine-genetic treatment method based on molecular genetic diagnostics and modern immunobiological drugs, which are a genetically engineered copy of cytokines - human regulatory proteins of the immune system. Treatment of cervical cancer with cytokinogenetic therapy is effective in 90% of cases by increasing TNF levels.
The use of one specific treatment method cannot guarantee 100% results. Cytokinogenetic therapy is an additional method to the main treatment.
Effect in 90% of cases
Cytokinegenetic therapy is effective in 90% of cases of cervical cancer, increases the likelihood of stopping tumor growth and reduces the risk of relapse.
Destruction of the tumor
The method increases the level of the TNF cytokine in the body, which mobilizes the immune response to the growth of a cancer tumor, up to its programmed self-destruction (apoptosis).
Can be combined with other treatment methods
Cytokinogenetic therapy can be combined with other methods, increasing the effectiveness of treatment by 20−30%.
After cervical cancer, you can give birth!
Cytokinogenetic therapy can preserve reproductive function.
Almost no side effects
Cytokine-based drugs do not have significant side effects.
Treatment at home
The course of treatment can be completed outside the hospital ward.
Doctor on call
Our oncologists can conduct not only a face-to-face consultation, but also an online appointment.
Oncologist Ben Ammar Mohammed Amir:
“During cytokinegenetic therapy, the antitumor system is activated. The body produces the cytokine tumor necrosis factor, which helps in the fight against cancer cells. Some people do not produce enough tumor necrosis factor, possibly due to a mutation in the TNF 308 gene. But TNF Thymosin alpha1 can be added to the body to activate the immune response to tumor growth.”
27 years old (Name hidden and photo changed at the request of the patient)
Patient F, 1995 Sick since March 2022, treated for abnormal formation of cervical epithelium, unsuccessfully. August 2022, the girl was admitted to the hospital with uterine bleeding. The diagnosis was squamous cell non-keratinizing low-grade cervical cancer. The patient refused surgical intervention because she wanted to preserve her reproductive function.
Sequence of treatment:
Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis was performed on August 2022 to determine the size of the tumor.
The position of the ovaries was measured, and oocytes were collected.
In October 2022, the blood flow in the vessel was blocked with special particles, emboli, in order to prevent repeated bleeding from the tumor.
The patient received 2 courses of antitumor therapy using cisplatin and paclitaxel, antitumor cytostatics.
Cytokinogenetic therapy was prescribed with the use of TNF drugs thymosin alpha1 and interferon gamma for a twenty-day course.
Tumor size:
Before treatment
Cervical tumor measuring 79×55 mm. Enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.
After treatment
The size of the tumor was only 18×12 mm.
Before treatment
Anxiety, stress (after the diagnosis became known).
The peculiarity of the case is that there were no oncological symptoms, nor were there any complaints about physical well-being.
After treatment
The patient's condition returned to normal and she was able to work.
Cytokinegenetic therapy increased the effect of chemotherapy treatment, while reducing its side effects and positively affecting the quality of life.
Oncologist Ben Ammar Mohammed Amir:
“After examining the patient, it was decided that it was necessary to continue antitumor treatment in combination with the use of cytokinogenetic therapy. And we hope that further treatment will lead to complete regression.”
Patient F says:
You must understand me, I don’t want to publicly highlight my illness, because I still have to get married and have children.
And you know what? Now I'm confident in my life plans more than ever, thanks to the doctors.