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Oncology treatment

Liver cancer treatment

Liver cancer is a malignant tumor disease that begins in the liver tissue. Cancer
may arise from cells in the liver itself (primary liver cancer) or spread to the liver from other organs (secondary, metastatic liver cancer).
Statistically, liver cancer is the fifth most common form of cancer and the third leading cause of death.
Doctors detect more than 780,000 new cases of cancer every year
The disease is an aggressive form, that is, it quickly develops and spreads throughout the human body. The prognosis is usually unfavorable - without treatment no more than one to two years. But this type of cancer is more sensitive to various treatment methods than other types of oncology. For example, it responds well to radiotherapy, immunological and other types of therapy.
Risk factors
  • Chronic hepatitis of viral etiology B and C.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Regular consumption of carcinogens (aflatoxins)
  • Taking steroids
Liver cancer symptoms
As a rule, the symptoms of liver malignancy are nonspecific. That is, it occurs in various hepatoses and other liver diseases.
In the early stages, the disease almost does not manifest itself. Therefore, it is possible to identify the resulting tumor during a routine clinical examination of the abdominal cavity.
Already at stages II and III, symptoms are more pronounced and specific. Patients complain of such ailments as:
  • Anemia, nausea, poor appetite, weight loss.
  • Feeling of discomfort and periodic or permanent pain in the epigastric and subcostal areas.
  • Visual increase in abdominal volume.
  • Manifestation of signs of jaundice of the skin, ectericity of the sclera.
Treatment of liver cancer
Therapy of any type of oncology is a long, step-by-step process. Liver cancer is no exception. The choice of methods and treatment regimen largely depends on the severity of the case, the stage of the disease, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases and the condition of the patient’s body as a whole.
  • Surgical treatment consists of removing cancer-affected liver tissue, as well as possible removal of lymph nodes.
  • Standard chemotherapy with a special complex of drugs.
  • Radiotherapy.
  • Non-resection methods: ethanol injections, radiofrequency ablative therapy, transarterial chemo-embolization.
  • Immunotherapy
In general, aggressive forms of cancer respond well to treatment.
using cytokinogenetic therapy.

With timely and active treatment, more than 60% of patients are cured, and the minimum life expectancy is more than 5 years.
at OncoCareClinic 308
How can we help?
  • Destruction of the tumor
    This method increases the concentration of the cytokine TNF in the body, which stimulates the immune response to the cancer tumor, even provoking its programmed self-destruction (apoptosis).
  • Can be combined with other treatment methods
    Cytokinogenetic therapy can be combined with other methods, increasing the effectiveness of treatment by 20−30%.
  • Almost no side effects
    Cytokine-based drugs do not have significant side effects.
  • Treatment at home
    The course of treatment can be completed outside the hospital ward.
  • Doctor on call
    Our oncologists can conduct not only a face-to-face consultation, but also an online appointment.
Our technique allows you to increase the concentration of the cytokine TNF
in the body, which stimulates the immune response to cancer and promotes apoptosis (programmed self-destruction) of cancer-affected cells)
OncoCareClinic 308
How can OncoCareClinic 308 help you?
  • Achieve positive results from the use of cytokinogenetic therapy for liver cancer in 80% of cases.
  • Helps increase the likelihood of tumor regression and reduce the incidence of relapse.
  • They provide compatibility of cytokinogenetic therapy with other methods, which helps increase the effectiveness of treatment by 20-30%.
  • They guarantee a reduction in the number and intensity of side effects from the use of the main treatment method.
Oncologist Ben Ammar Mohammed Amir:
“During cytokinegenetic therapy, the antitumor system is activated. The body produces the cytokine tumor necrosis factor, which helps in the fight against cancer cells. In some people, tumor necrosis factor is not produced in sufficient quantities, possibly due to a mutation in the TNF 308 gene. But TNF Thymosin alpha1 can be added to the body to activate the immune response on  tumor growth."
Main stages of treatment:
Consultation with our specialist (review of medical histories)
Prescribing an individual treatment plan
Determination of TNF levels and TNF 308 gene mutations
Constant monitoring of your condition under the supervision of our doctors
Real story of therapy
Patient Andrey, 68 years old. Pensioner, lives in Tambov.
Complaints of moderate pain in the right hypochondrium began at the end of 11/22. Additional examination.

According to MRI, ABP with c/u (from 02/12/22) is a single tumor in S6 of the right lobe of the liver, measuring 15*12 mm in diameter. (diagnosed after trephine biopsy).

Histology – Hepatocellular carcinoma.

According to my residence, I was operated on in 12/22 (segmental resection).

2 months after surgery, cancer recurred in S6 and S7 of the right lobe of the liver (5*7mm and 6*4mm in diameter) with metastases in a single lymph node in the porta hepatis up to 10mm in diameter. The patient was offered a course of PCT, but he refused.
Sequence of treatment:
  • In 03/23 I contacted OKK 308.
  • Completed 6 courses of CHT (from 03/23 to 08/23) with a positive effect according to MRI ABP from 08/23, in the form of a reduction in the size of recurrent liver tumor foci to 3*3mm and 4*3mm in diameter.
  • The lymph node in the area of the hepatic porta was no longer identified.
  • The patient is currently undergoing the 8th course of CHT and has no complaints.
  • The TNF 308 gene mutation has not been identified.
    Quality of life according to the Karnofsky scale 100/100.
Before treatment
TNF from 03/23 = 1 pg/ml.
After treatment
TNF from 08/23 (after 6 courses) = 94 pg/ml.
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