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Oncology treatment

Treatment of ureteral cancer

Treatment of cancer using cytokinogenetic therapy (CGT) is a modern treatment method that allows you to restore quality of life and transfer the disease from acute to chronic form in 68% of cases.
Briefly about malignant tumor of the ureter
Ureteral cancer is a rare type of cancer. It develops in the urethra, which is part of the urinary system and is responsible for draining urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Most often, ureteral cancer develops as a consequence of an existing malignant tumor of the bladder or kidney.

Although rare, ureteral cancer is a serious disease, so it is important:
be regularly examined in specialized medical institutions;
Consult a doctor for any clinical manifestations.

Only a professional examination and a series of diagnostic procedures will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis, as well as select the optimal treatment plan.

Risk factors and symptoms

Oncological disease of the urethra can develop due to:

  • Smoking
  • Genetic factors
  • Contact with certain chemicals.

As a rule, the appearance of the disease is signaled by the following clinical manifestations:

  • Abdominal or back pain
  • Change in urine color or signs of blood;
  • Sudden weight loss, chronic fatigue
Diagnosis and prognosis of the disease
  • Diagnosis uses standard methods, including:
  • medical examinations;
  • biopsy;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • urography.
  • The prognosis for the course and outcome of the disease for patients with ureteral oncology depends on such parameters as:
  • stage of the disease
  • subtype of malignancy
  • tactics of the chosen treatment.
  • Cytokinogenetic therapy (CGT) is based on a natural anti-inflammatory blood component known as tumor necrosis factor (TNF). It can be used with any treatment method in oncology because:
  • makes it much easier to tolerate the prescribed treatment method;
  • complements the main therapy, significantly improving the results of the treatment process.
Cytokinegenetic therapy in the treatment of ureteral cancer
How can we help?
  • Cytokinogenetic therapy demonstrates a positive result in 68% of cases of ureteral cancer, increasing the likelihood of stopping tumor growth and reducing the occurrence of relapses.
  • Cytokinogenetic therapy as a treatment method increases the concentration of the cytokine TNF in the body. This makes it possible to stimulate the immune response to a malignant neoplasm up to the activation of the process of apoptosis (programmed self-destruction).
  • The combination of cytokinogenetic therapy with other methods can increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment by 20-30%, as well as reduce the number and intensity of side effects from the main method of therapy.
The first medical institution in the Russian Federation that effectively uses the latest cytokinogenetic method for the treatment and prevention of cancer.
OncoCareClinic 308
Vladimir Zarkua
The chances of recovery are increased by two main indicators: early detection of the disease and active therapy.

Our technique allows you to increase the concentration of the cytokine TNF
in the body, which stimulates the immune response to cancer and promotes apoptosis (programmed self-destruction) of cancer-affected cells)
Main stages of treatment:
Consultation with our specialist (review of medical histories)
Prescribing an individual treatment plan
Determination of TNF levels and TNF 308 gene mutations
Constant monitoring of your condition under the supervision of our doctors
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