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Mon - Sat from 09:00 to 20:00
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Oncology treatment
Pancreatic cancer treatment
Large doses and duration of cytogenetic therapy have shown their effectiveness in clinical observations. More than 78% of cases show positive dynamics that lead to a stabilised progress after treatment with the Cytokinogenetic method.

The advantage of CYTOKINOGENETIC therapy is the ability to combine it with courses of chemotherapy. This combination increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs and alter its toxicity by minimising the side effects on the body.
Causes of development of pancreatic cancer
  • Long-term illness with chronic pancreatitis
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic hepatitis B
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Long-term low vitamin D levels
  • Extensive history of smoking and drinking alcohol
Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer
Unexplained weight loss
Appearance of jaundice
Abdominal and lower back pain
How can we help?
  • Destruction of the tumor
    This method increases the concentration of the cytokine TNF in the body, which stimulates the immune response to the cancer tumor, even provoking its programmed self-destruction (apoptosis).
  • Can be combined with other treatment methods
    Cytokinogenetic therapy can be combined with other methods, increasing the effectiveness of treatment by 20−30%.
  • Almost no side effects
    Cytokine-based drugs do not have significant side effects.
  • Treatment at home
    The course of treatment can be completed outside the hospital ward.
  • Doctor on call
    Our oncologists can conduct not only a face-to-face consultation, but also an online appointment.
Cytokinogenetic therapy can be an alternative treatment method when all other treatment method options have been exhausted.

The method is non-toxic which is suitable for patients with pronounced negative dynamics. The therapy improves the quality of life in all patients.
at OncoCareClinic 308
Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer
It is established on the basis of anamnesis, laboratory and instrumental examination data.

Morphological examination is the basis of diagnosis.

Material for it can be obtained during surgery or puncture.
After the examination, a treatment plan is determined.
Advantages of using cytogenetic therapy
consists in the non-toxicity of the method for the body, reducing the risk of disease progression, and stabilizing the process.

Reduction of tumor volume. Helps make it easier to endure chemotherapy courses.
at OncoCareClinic 308

Chief physician, Oncologist, 18 years of experience

Kornilov Artem Lvovich
CHT treatment programs for pancreatic cancer are characterized by higher doses of drugs and duration of therapy, taking into account the aggressiveness of the tumor and, in most cases, the disease is resistant to drug therapy.
Main stages of treatment:
Consultation with our specialist (review of medical histories)
Prescribing an individual treatment plan
Determination of TNF levels and TNF 308 gene mutations
Constant monitoring of your condition under the supervision of our doctors
Real story of therapy
From the patient's history. She suffered acute pancreatitis twice - in 2019 and 2020. She noted the resumption of pain in the fall of 2022, underwent an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, and pancreatic masses were detected.

CT scan of the OGK - confirmed the formation of the pancreas, with the spread of the process, multiple lesions, metastases to the liver.

A biopsy was performed. The histological conclusion confirmed the malignancy of the neoplasm, ductal adenocarcinoma.

Oncoconsilium dated December 5, 2022, chemotherapy courses were prescribed for women. No positive dynamics were noted.

The patient came to the clinic with a diagnosis of stage IV pancreatic body cancer, T3NxM1, multiple metastases of liver damage.

Which indicated an unfavorable prognosis. And the impossibility of surgical treatment.

At a consultation with the Oncocare Clinic, an oncologist, after analyzing the data presented, selected a treatment program.

And during chemotherapy, complications developed: Anemia, stage 1, Leukothrombocytopenia, stage 2.
Chief physician, Kornilov Artem Lvovich
After courses of cytogenetic therapy with follow-up consultations every 3 months, the results showed subjectively pronounced positive dynamics in quality of life (decreased levels of fatigue, increased activity, improved appetite, mood, the next courses of chemotherapy were easier to tolerate).
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