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Oncology treatment

Treatment of stomach cancer

Gastric cancer is a group of malignant neoplasms formed from epithelial cells of the mucosa. The disease is serious and requires not only timely treatment, but also correct determination of parameters, including staging, selection of an appropriate treatment method, etc.
Globally, stomach cancer is the 5th most common cancer.
Stomach cancer ranks third as a cause of death
Most often, malignant neoplasms are detected in men
How is the stage of stomach cancer determined?
The stage of gastric cancer is determined not by clinical manifestations, but by the results of a clinical examination (cTNM). If the prevalence is low (no metastases), then staging is based on the results of histological examination of tissue removed during surgery.

The final diagnosis of “stomach cancer” is made based on the results of the examination, the results of a full examination (EGD, MRI, biopsy, etc.), as well as the data of the pathomorphological report. It is very important that an initial examination is carried out before treatment is prescribed.
At the same time, experts study:
  • The depth of tumor growth into the stomach wall (degree of invasion).
  • The number of lymph nodes in which secondary foci of cancer (metastases) have developed.
  • The degree of differentiation or degradation of the tissues of the organ where the tumor has formed.
  • Pathomorphological subtype of malignant neoplasm in accordance with the histological classification of Lauren.
Treatment of stomach cancer
Therapeutic tactics are determined by the degree of prevalence (stage) of the tumor process and the functional state of the patient.

Oncologists, as a rule, recommend starting therapy with the main method - surgery.
Of course, provided that the cancer tumor is operable.

To achieve the best result, in most cases, complex treatment is used, that is, the operation is complemented by antitumor therapy chosen by the attending physician: chemical, targeted, radiotherapy and other methods of combating the disease.
Causes of stomach cancer
Frequent causes of tumor formation are a long history of gastric ulcer, that is, a chronic form of ulcer (malignancy).
  • Old age
  • Unfavorable (complicated) heredity
  • Gastric polyposis
  • Poor nutrition
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol
The first symptoms of stomach cancer
  • Eating disorder (lack of appetite, feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region)
  • Increased fatigue
  • Rapid weight loss
The method of cytokinogenetic therapy can be used at any stage of antitumor treatment of gastric cancer.

Including in patients who have exhausted all other treatment options.

The technique is well tolerated by the patient, has no side effects, and is perfectly compatible with any other classical methods of treating oncology.

With timely and active treatment, more than 60% of patients are cured, and the minimum life expectancy is more than 5 years.
at OncoCareClinic 308
How can we help?
  • Destruction of the tumor
    Наш метод увеличивает концентрацию цитокина ФНО в организме, что стимулирует иммунную реакцию на раковую опухоль, вплоть до провоцирования ее программированного самоуничтожения (апоптоза).
  • Can be combined with other treatment methods
    Cytokinogenetic therapy can be combined with other methods, increasing the effectiveness of treatment by 20−30%.
  • Almost no side effects
    Cytokine-based drugs do not have significant side effects.
  • Treatment at home
    The course of treatment can be completed outside the hospital ward.
  • Doctor on call
    Our oncologists can conduct not only a face-to-face consultation, but also an online appointment.
Our technique allows you to increase the concentration of the cytokine TNF
in the body, which stimulates the immune response to cancer and promotes apoptosis (programmed self-destruction) of cancer-affected cells.
OncoCareClinic 308
How can OncoCareClinic 308 help you?
  • Achieve positive results from the use of cytokinogenetic therapy for gastric cancer in 80% of cases.
  • Helps increase the likelihood of tumor regression and reduce the incidence of relapse.
  • They provide compatibility of cytokinogenetic therapy with other methods, which helps increase the effectiveness of treatment by 20-30%.
  • They guarantee a reduction in the number and intensity of side effects from the use of the main treatment method.
Oncologist Ben Ammar Mohammed Amir:
“During cytokinegenetic therapy, the antitumor system is activated. The body produces the cytokine tumor necrosis factor, which helps in the fight against cancer cells. In some people, tumor necrosis factor is not produced in sufficient quantities, possibly due to a mutation in the TNF 308 gene. But TNF Thymosin alpha1 can be added to the body to activate the immune response on  tumor growth."
Main stages of treatment:
Consultation with our specialist (review of medical histories)
Prescribing an individual treatment plan
Determination of TNF levels and TNF 308 gene mutations
Constant monitoring of your condition under the supervision of our doctors
Real story of therapy
As an illustration, here is one of the most striking cases of effective assistance:
as a result of using the CHT method and canceling the “sentence” of the patient.
This is a young man born in 1978.
Since spring, he began to notice unexplained weakness, epigastric discomfort, and heartburn.

Was examined. According to endoscopy, gastric ulcer with bleeding was detected.
Antiulcer therapy was carried out.

After the treatment, the patient independently underwent an FGDS on November 16, 2022.

In conclusion - chronic gastric ulcer. During the study, a biopsy was taken.

And based on the results of the histological report, a diagnosis was made: Stomach cancer.

The patient was sent to the Oncology Center, and the necessary examinations were prescribed for surgical treatment.
A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed - no signs of MTS or carcinomatosis were detected.

Preoperative (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) was prescribed. In March he was hospitalized and surgical treatment was planned.
According to the CT examination of the OGK dated 03/04/23, the patient’s disease progression was revealed, foci were identified in both lungs of MTS nature.

Surgical treatment is not indicated; the chemotherapy line has been changed.

Treatment was continued taking into account the progression of the disease, and not the primary tumor.
In total, 6 courses of polychemotherapy were carried out.

A control CT study of the OGK dated 04/04/23 revealed further progression of the disease in the patient - an increase in the size of focal formations in the lungs.

The resulting conclusion again canceled the possibility of surgical treatment.
On 05/12/23 the planned 6 courses of PCT were completed.

Treatment is unsuccessful - signs of lung damage persist.
Sequence of treatment:
  • In April, having negative dynamics according to the CT report, the Patient contacts OKC 308.
  • From April 22, the patient begins to receive CHT
  • 3 courses of CGT were conducted (the 4th course continues)
  • But after the 3rd course of CHT, the patient undergoes CT control
  • At the conclusion of the study, there is not a single early identified MTS focus.
    Once the therapy has been completed, it becomes possible for the patient to undergo surgical treatment.

    Already carry out treatment to remove the primary tumor!!!

    Which significantly improves the prognosis of the disease.
Oncologist Ben Ammar Mohammed Amir:
CHT not only made it possible to return to the planned surgical treatment earlier, but also to achieve the result of stopping the signs of disease progression, and to obtain complete resorption of MTS in the lungs during the treatment process!!!

Thanks to the effect of CHT, the patient achieved a favorable prognosis (cure of the disseminated stage of cancer) and the possibility of radical treatment.

The patient is no longer indicated for polychemotherapy.
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