Malignant bowel disease can be completely removed by surgical excision of the section of intestine with the tumor. But resection will bring recovery only in the complete absence of secondary tumor foci: in the lymph nodes, in neighboring or distant organs. The probability of cure in this case is the highest, but an intestinal tumor at this stage is rarely detected, sometimes by chance - during a routine examination or examination for another disease. A single resection allows you to remove all malignant tissue, and the prognosis for such a patient is the most favorable.
But usually intestinal oncology is discovered when there are already complications and metastases in the liver. In this case, they speak of the last, fourth stage of the disease. With multiple metastases, the tumor is considered inoperable. Palliative surgery is prescribed to remove as many tumor cells as possible, and antitumor therapy is carried out.
Colon cancer with liver metastases has a poor prognosis. Not so long ago, the presence of secondary tumors in this organ was a sign of an incurable disease. Currently, new types of chemotherapy and targeted therapy have emerged that make it possible to fight these “branches” of the malignant process.