Mon - Sat from 09:00 to 20:00
Sun - closed

Mon - Sat from 09:00 to 20:00
Sun - closed
About Us
For patients
For doctors
Oncology treatment

Kornilov Artem Lvovich

20 years of experience
Why I use the cytokinogenetic therapy method:
Data from clinical and instrumental indicators in patients undergoing therapy, the general improvement in the condition of patients against the background of cytokinogenetic therapy dictates the need for wider use of the method in the treatment of oncological diseases.
Advantages of the method from a doctor's point of view:
Searching for types of treatment that can have an effective effect on cancer and not cripple or cause toxic complications during treatment, which does not exclude the use and combination of already known, effective methods (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, combination therapy, etc.) , but complements and even enhances their effect on cancer treatment, led me to the discovery of a new direction for my practice - treatment with cytokinogenetic therapy.

This is one of the leading areas of cancer treatment, where the disease is considered as a lesion of the body as a whole, and not as a small part affected by the tumor, and tuning the body’s own resource to fight the disease is critical.

Many advanced countries that invest significant funds in the development and search for cancer treatment methods have directed their efforts to the development of methods affecting the human immune system. Vaccines are now being widely announced, both for specific types of common breast, lung, and colon cancer, as well as for general effects for the treatment and prevention of cancer.

For medicine, there are still many questions about how to help patients diagnosed with cancer, but the idea that the body in which the disease has developed should use its resources for a cure has already been laid down.
Our specialists:
Chief physician
Candidate of Medical Sciences
22 years of experience
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Highest category
Oncologist, mammologist, surgeon
Experience 49 years
Deputy chief physician
Oncologist, ultrasound doctor, laser surgeon, mammologist, surgeon
15 years of experience
18 years of experience
Oncologist, urologist, andrologist, ultrasound doctor
7 years experience
Oncologist, obstetrician-gynecologist
8 years experience
Oncologist, general practitioner
10 years of experience
4 years of experience
Clinical Psychologist
4 years experience

Reviews from our patients:

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