Mon - Sat from 09:00 to 20:00
Sun - closed

Mon - Sat from 09:00 to 20:00
Sun - closed
About Us
For patients
For doctors
Oncology treatment

Umarova Safiya Vakhaevna

Gynecologist, obstetrician, ultrasound specialist, oncologist
6 years experience
Why I use the cytokinogenetic therapy method:
I first heard about the method of using cytokine therapy from Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of ROSORS, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Lev Andreevich Ashrafyan. Having become interested in this method of treatment, I delved into the study of the capabilities of Thymosin-alpha-1 and Interferon-gamma in the treatment of extragenital endometriosis in patients previously operated on for endometriosis, adenomysis associated infertility and in treatment of oncological diseases in gynecology. Cytokine therapy is a unique method that has established itself as a tertiary method of combating and preventing endometrial hyperplasia and neoplastic processes in the pelvic organs. Using cytokine therapy, we give hope to our patients to live a happy, fulfilling life.
Advantages of the method from a doctor's point of view:
The advantage of cytokine therapy is the ability to combine it with other existing treatment methods. Possessing antitumor activity and easy tolerability, it has a minimized toxic effect on the body. Cytokine therapy is used at  all stages of cancer, and  gives new hope for  cure the patient.
Our specialists:
Chief physician
Candidate of Medical Sciences
22 years of experience
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Highest category
Oncologist, mammologist, surgeon
Experience 49 years
Deputy chief physician
Oncologist, ultrasound doctor, laser surgeon, mammologist, surgeon
15 years of experience
18 years of experience
Oncologist, urologist, andrologist, ultrasound doctor
7 years experience
Oncologist, obstetrician-gynecologist
8 years experience
Oncologist, general practitioner
10 years of experience
4 years of experience
Clinical Psychologist
4 years experience

Reviews from our patients:

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