Oncologist, urologist, andrologist, ultrasound doctor 7 years experience
2022 - present V. postgraduate student of RSSU at the Department of General Psychology and Sexology
2022 Ultrasound diagnostics doctor, Center for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining
2020−2022 Radiologist, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education
2018−2020 Urologist-andrologist-oncourologist, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation
2012−2018 Local therapist, Perm State Medical University named after. Sechenov
2022 - present V. Urologist-andrologist, oncourologist OncoCareClinic 308
2021-2022 Urologist Doctor-specialist Clinical Hospital of Moscow State Medical University A.I. Evdokimov
2020-2021 Urologist, CDC Dobromed (Happy Doctor)
2020 Trainee doctor at Veterinary War Hospital No. 2
2018-2020 Urologist, Clinical Hospital of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, clinical resident
Why I use the cytokinogenetic therapy method:
In 2020, I worked in a Covid hospital. Our hospital began to supply the drug Interferon gamma to treat patients of all degrees of severity. This therapy has proven itself very well. I began to study in detail in what cases interferon gamma could still be used and found many articles on the use of this drug in urology. After which I began to use it in the treatment and prevention of urological diseases associated with inflammatory changes. While studying dosages and methods of administration, I found an article about cytokinogenetic therapy where Interferon-gamma and Timazin-alpha-1 were also used, this combination of drugs is used for the treatment and prevention of patients with cancer. At the same time, I found a large number of reviews about the positive results of CHT and began to use this therapy in my practice. I learned that the only clinic in Russia that works using this method is in Moscow. I managed to be among like-minded people - my colleagues and directly successfully use cytokine therapy in the treatment of my patients.
Advantages of the method from a doctor's point of view:
The main goal of this therapy is to increase TNF levels. This allows the body to independently produce TNF in the future to fight atypical tissues (malignant formations).
The advantage of this therapy is that it can be combined with all treatment methods: chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy and radiation therapy. Patients note improvements in their condition, the methods described above are much better tolerated, which allows them to achieve positive results.
I'm so pleased, you can't imagine! Before this I couldn eat or cook. They forced me to eat, I ate baby food. But this was during treatment in the spring. Then the medicine said about me: “While nothing has been shown to you, go and rest.” And when I already in September saw in your program about the treatment method of cytokinegenetic therapy, I decided to try it. And here I am myself, one might say, now I am treating myself. I give myself injections. It was a pleasure to prepare for this New Year and throughout January I have been going to the pool and swimming. Many thanks to OncoCareClinic 308 for the opportunity to LIVE and not exist!
Olga, 71 years old
Before I got sick, I was very bright, had long hair, played sports, was constantly on the move, but here I had to... I just smeared cream on my body one day and then I discovered a tumor and felt it herself. After cytokinogenetic therapy, things really got better. There are a lot of plans for life. I want to thank the doctors. They tried to get me out of this state, and my close people, who were next to me, tried to support me. And in general, I am very grateful to you
Olga, 41 years old
Diagnosis: Left breast cancer, adenocarcinoma, triple negative cancer.
I really thought that everything would go away on its own, and it wasn’t cancer. You are the one to blame. Thank you very much to Andrey Ilyushin and the work of the clinic for improving the quality of life! Now plans for full recovery. Take care of yourself and get checked regularly. And if anything - contact OncoCareClinic 308!
Oksana, 51 years old (Name and photo changed at the request of the patient)
Diagnosis Adenocarcinoma of the right lung, stage IV . Metastases to lungs.
You must understand me, I don’t want to publicly highlight my illness, because I still have to get married and have children. And you know what? Now I'm confident in my life plans more than ever, thanks to the doctors.
27 years old (Name hidden and photo changed at the request of the patient)
The diagnosis was squamous cell non-keratinizing low-grade cervical cancer.
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