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Kidney cancer treatment

In the general structure of malignant neoplasms in Russia kidney cancer accounts for 4.8% of all malignant neoplasms in men (8th place among various malignant neoplasms) and 3.3% in women (11th place). Kidney cancer in men is 1.5-2 times more common than kidney cancer in women. Standardized incidence rates per 100,000 population are 12.2: 16.5 among men and 8.4 among women;

standardized mortality rates are 6.2 for men and 2.2 for women. In recent years, the incidence in most developed countries has been increasing, and in terms of the rate of increase in incidence, kidney cancer (28.6%) is second only to neoplasms of the prostate and thyroid glands.

Currently, malignant kidney tumors can often be diagnosed in the early stages due to the widespread use of highly informative instrumental diagnostic methods. As with other malignant neoplasms, early diagnosis of kidney cancer is very important: the five-year survival rate for stages I-II is 81–74%. At stages III - IV, it is, respectively, 53% - 8%.
The most commonly used method of treatment is surgery (partial resection, nephrectomy, combined and extended operations), radiation and immunotherapy, renal artery embolization, cryo- and radioablation, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy, others). It should be noted that the disease is prone to relapse and metastasis. In primary patients, at the time of diagnosis, metastases are found in 25% of patients.

Kidney cancer metastases occur in 30-50% of patients after radical surgery. Most often, metastases affect the lungs, brain, liver, bones, and lymph nodes.
The prognosis of kidney cancer with metastases is quite disappointing - on average, the life expectancy of incurable patients is 6-9 months. In case of multiple metastases, the presence of concomitant pathologies on the part of the most important organs and systems, advanced age, etc., possible treatment methods (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, the use of immunostimulants) are often impracticable and patients
are content with palliative and symptomatic treatment measures aimed at temporarily alleviating suffering.

At the OncoCare 308 clinic, cytokinegenetic therapy has been successfully used in the treatment of patients with advanced and complicated forms of neoplasms for several years. The purpose of the method is to launch mechanisms in the body to heal itself independently. Genetically engineered drugs based on TNF and IFN gamma are used. They help stimulate the body's cytotoxic defense against the tumor, increasing the body's resistance and destroying cancer cells. Both drugs are domestically produced.

The method can be used at any stage of antitumor treatment, including in patients who have exhausted all other treatment options. Good tolerability and the absence of side effects and complications, as well as the ability to combine it with any other methods of therapy in oncology, make it the method of choice for advanced stages of cancer. The method is very simple to use clinically, does not require hospitalization or stay in the clinic during treatment, and can be used at home.

As an illustration, we present one of the many cases of successful assistance and return to a full life of an incurable cancer patient with metastatic kidney cancer.
Patient K.B., 85 years old. In 2013, cancer of the left kidney was diagnosed (T1H0M0, stage I) and in January 2014 he was operated on (nephral resection was performed). I felt well and was under the supervision of a local oncologist.
In August 2022, during the next examination, the progression of the tumor process was detected - metastases were identified in the lungs, retroperitoneal lymph nodes, lymph nodes of the hilum of the liver, chest, multiple lesions of the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity in the form of merging conglomerates.
Concomitant diseases: Arterial hypertension II stage. with a neuropathic component. Emphysema. Prostatic hyperplasia. Cysts of the kidneys, liver.

Considering the extent of the spread of the tumor process, the patient’s condition, the presence of concomitant diseases and age (the patient’s quality of life according to the Ecog system was assessed by ECOG-4), any special antitumor treatment was refused and symptomatic therapy was recommended under the supervision of a district oncologist and pulmonologist. The patient, with constant bed rest, was content mainly with analgesic therapy due to the presence of severe pain.

Cytokinogenetic therapy, program 1, was started on September 29, 2022. A total of 3 courses of treatment were carried out, the duration of treatment was 3 months. The treatment was tolerated well, no adverse reactions or complications were observed.

After completing 3 courses of therapy, a control examination of the patient was carried out. According to a comparative assessment of CT data of the chest, abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space performed before the start of treatment (08/14/2022 d) and after the third course (11/17/2022), there was an absence of new metastatic foci, a decrease in a number of tumor nodes and tumor conglomerates and a lack of growth in other lesions. According to the conclusion of CT studies, the effectiveness of treatment according to the WHO scale was assessed as stabilization of the process. Laboratory studies revealed a significant increase in tumor necrosis factor (TNF): less than 1.0 pg/ml before treatment and 54.8 pg/ml after the end of the third course, as well as normalization and/or a tendency towards normalization of a number of homeostasis indicators.

At the same time, after the end of treatment, the patient showed a pronounced subjective improvement in his condition and the absence of complaints, namely, the complete disappearance of pain, temperature, shortness of breath, weakness and malaise, normalization of appetite, increased strength, the ability to move independently and go for walks in the clean air, serve yourself, etc. Quality of life of the patient according to the Ecog system - ECOG-1.
The patient continues cytokinogenetic therapy.

This case demonstrates the wide possibility of cytokinogenetic therapy to help a cancer patient at any stage of the disease. We believe that due to the lack of long periods of observation, it is impossible to talk about the possibility of a complete cure of the patient, however, as can be seen, the possibility of blocking the progression of the disease, improving well-being and comfort of life, as well as prolonging life even in stage IV of the disease are obvious.

Author of the article:

Aleksanyan Aleksan Zavenovich

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