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Is oatmeal a cure for cancer?

Eating oatmeal in your regular diet may help fight colon cancer.

Whole grains such as oats are healthy and are considered an important part of a balanced diet. But can eating oatmeal and oatmeal products help in the fight against cancer? Read on to find out about this and much more.

Oats and cancer

Oatmeal is a whole grain food that is high in soluble fiber, which is essential for heart and colon health. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends eating at least three servings of fiber-rich whole grains daily. For example, regular oatmeal, which contains no sugar, sodium or preservatives.

But can oatmeal fight cancer?

"Scientific reports are not 100% certain. But there is strong evidence that including oatmeal in the diet may help fight cancer, including colon cancer," says Wasif M. Saif, MD, director of Medical Oncology Department of the Cancer Institute (New York, USA). He believes the fiber in oatmeal does play a role in reducing risk. In addition, it helps maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Moreover, consuming whole grains, including oats, may reduce the risk of premature death. According to a meta-analysis of 14 studies involving 800,000 people conducted by researchers at the Harvard T.H. School of Public Health. Chan (published in June 2016 in the journal Circulation) oatmeal is associated with an overall reduction in mortality rates. That is, those who consumed the most whole grains had the greatest reduced risk of death during the study period.

How oats help ?

"Oats are rich in dietary fibre. They contain more fiber than other grains," says Dr Saif.
“In addition, oats help regulate blood cholesterol levels, influence body mass index and blood pressure, and contain antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties (such as avenanthramides).”

According to Sharon Zarabi, MD, director of the bariatric program at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, whole oats also contain a type of fiber called beta-glucan. It helps increase the secretion of bile acids and remove toxins from the intestines. Which, in turn, lowers cholesterol levels and helps cleanse the digestive system of any “sediment.”

What foods are good for cancer patients?

Oats are not the only food that is beneficial for people with oncology. “The best foods to fight cancer are fruits, berries, cruciferous vegetables, legumes, fatty fish and walnuts,” says Dr. Saif. "However, the determinant role of many foods has not been confirmed in randomized trials."

He warns that patients undergoing cancer therapy should avoid extreme diets in favor of a balanced diet. You should definitely consult with your doctor to find out if you need additional calories and protein to help maintain strength during treatment.

Dr. Saif also recommends that doctors and patients pay close attention to any interactions between foods and chemotherapy. In particular, during anticancer therapy, it is necessary to ensure that the food consumed has undergone sufficient heat treatment or pasteurization and does not contain pathogenic bacteria.

Experts recommend that patients diagnosed with cancer:

Choose whole grain breads and cereals.
Drink 100 percent fruit or vegetable juices.
Eat vegetables and fruits regularly.
Try meat-free dishes, such as vegetarian lasagna or vegetable cutlets.
Eat a leafy green salad for dinner if there are no contraindications to consuming raw foods.
Give preference to lean meat and fish, excluding semi-finished meat products.

There are also certain foods that should be avoided during chemotherapy. For example, during treatment with fluorouracil or capecitabine, experts do not recommend consuming anything that contains folic acid.


Patients during anticancer therapy may not feel hungry, so they need a special diet rich in protein and calories. The body needs to be supported so that a person can recover faster after treatment. For advice on nutrition and cancer treatment contact OncoCare Clinic 308. Call and make an appointment with our specialists at the numbers listed below.

Author of the article:

Aleksanyan Aleksan Zavenovich

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