Colorectal cancer is the general name for a group of tumor diseases that develop from mutated epithelial cells lining the intestinal wall. This category includes malignant neoplasms such as colon cancer, sigmoid tumor and rectal cancer.
Experts distinguish 4 stages of disease development. 3rd degree
What is stage 3 colon cancer? – this is the stage of the disease, which is characterized by such symptoms as:
The spread of the tumor not only to the intestinal walls, but also to the muscle layer, as well as neighboring tissues and organs.
Formation of metastases in nearby lymph nodes (so-called regional).
In 75% of cases, a form of cancer occurs, such as adenocarcinoma. Less commonly diagnosed are squamous cell, medullary, small cell and several other types of undifferentiated malignant neoplasms. Depending on the characteristics of tumor development, experts distinguish the following subtypes of oncology:
exophytic, shape and appearance resembling polyps and growths in the intestinal lumen;
endophytic, growing deep into the intestinal tissue (epithelium, muscles);
Clinically, intestinal oncology stages 3 and 4 manifest themselves in the following forms:
Toxic-anemic. It is expressed in general intoxication of the body and a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. A combination of factors significantly worsens the patient’s general condition. As a rule, symptoms are characteristic of tumors that develop on the right side of the intestine.
Enterocolitis, reminiscent of gastrointestinal disorders. This form is characterized by constipation or diarrhea, bloating and frequent pain. The reason, as a rule, lies in the fact that tumor tissue narrows the lumen in the intestine and interferes with the waste of feces.
Pseudoinflammatory, in which the patient experiences pain due to inflammation in the peritoneum. Characteristic symptoms are fever, as well as an increased level of leukocytes in the blood.
Dyspeptic, which is expressed in the form of bloating, pain and discomfort, as well as constant problems with bowel movements.
Obstructive, characteristic of cancer of the left side of the intestine. The symptoms are similar to intestinal obstruction.
Atypical or tumor. The symptoms are not clearly expressed, but the doctor detects the disease itself by palpation of the abdomen, followed by laboratory confirmation of suspicions.
Complicated, expressed in complete blocking of the intestinal lumen, the formation of areas with perforation of the walls, as well as bleeding and inflammatory processes in the peritoneum.